DYC Climate PSA 2023

Climate change is a term we hear everyday but what are things we can do as a community to help? We can always learn new things about climate change, new ways to help and new information that we didn't know before. The following solutions are here to suggest simple ways that you can help fight for a more sustainable future.


Composting is an essential part of giving back to our environment. By diverting organic waste from landfills, composting can significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up polluting our planet. Instead, you can use this waste to create nutrient-rich compost that will help your garden thrive. Composting is a simple process that anyone can do. All you need is a compost bin or pile, some organic waste, and a little bit of time. You can also donate compost to our community gardens such as the Wylde Center. By composting, you can reduce your carbon footprint, improve soil quality, and help create a more sustainable future for all of us.


Daily commutes in gas powered cars make up a significant chunk of our personal carbon footprints. Luckily, there are many ways to reduce the size of this chunk, like switching to an electric car, taking public transportation, or biking. One particularly painless and inexpensive way to limit your transportation emissions is carpooling. By simply sharing a ride with friends or colleagues, you are reducing the number of cars on the road and thus, their emissions. Carpooling helps limit the number of cars on the road, cutting down on traffic and emissions, all at no cost, making it an ideal and easy way to live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Water Usage

While water may not be as scarce a resource here as it is elsewhere, it still takes lots of energy to purify and transport to our homes, so wasting water can add considerably to your carbon footprint. And unfortunately, many households (particularly affluent ones) use much more water than they need to. Try to limit showers to 5-10 minutes most days, and avoid keeping water running indefinitely, like when washing dishes. Greener appliances can cut water usage in half, so look to replace standard washing machines, dishwashers, and toilets with greener products if you can. Anything helps; even installing a toilet tank bank can reduce gallons of water a day!