Decatur Town Center Plan 2.0

Decatur Town Center Plan cover page.

As the first comprehensive look at Downtown Decatur in more than 40 years, the Town Center 2.0 Plan evaluates how past planning efforts have been implemented, takes stock of the current state of downtown and the region, and creates a new vision that carries downtown forward into its next phase of evolution

The Town Center 2.0 Plan begins with the Introduction section, and then reviews existing conditions and analyses. The snapshot of Downtown Decatur Today catalogs the physical conditions of downtown, demographics and market findings. Taken together they form a complete understanding of the state of downtown. To augment this research and analysis, the planning team conducted extensive community outreach and those findings are detailed in the Community Engagement chapter of this report. The combination of analysis and engagement helped to refine the plan goals and inform the plan framework and creation of final concepts and recommendations. The Vision for Downtown chapter encapsulates how each of the plan goals can be achieved. Each goal is further explained and objectives and action items catalog how the City, the community and its partners can begin the next phase of Downtown Decatur’s evolution. This section includes detailed recommendations and policy changes, as well as concepts for new streets, streetscapes, public spaces, and opportunity sites. The final chapter, Implementation, sets the stage for turning this Vision for Downtown into action, with both recommended early priorities and the timing and potential partners for each action item.